Luciano Spalletti wants Napoli exit despite new contract offer

Napoli CEO Aurelio de Laurentiis is now ready to offer a hefty new deal to Luciano Spalletti in order to keep the manager at the club but the Italian has already decided that he will depart at the end of the season.

Il Mattino today state that De Laurentiis is ready to make a big raise in Spalletti’s deal to keep him at Napoli and he is willing to offer him a two-year extension of over €4 million per season. But Spalletti, despite that, has already made up his mind about his future. He has decided to not listen to De Laurentiis anymore and even the team knows that his decision will not change.

A key problem for Spalletti is the coldness in the relationship with De Laurentiis and money will not change that relationship. Talks about the termination of his deal will not take place since Spalletti will take a sabbatical for a season while he is under contract with the Partenopei.

To seek replacements, De Laurentiis has already made a series of contacts. Luis Enrique and Thiago Motta have been contacted with no real conviction, as he ponders his options.




Kaustubh Pandey | GIFN

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