Giovanni Di Lorenzo’s agent reveals Antonio Conte cannot keep the player at Napoli

Serie A side Napoli’s captain Giovanni Di Lorenzo’s agent has indicated his departure this summer. 

Speaking in an interview with Tele A via TMW, Mario Giuffredi, the agent of Giovanni Di Lorenzo, revealed the details behind the player’s possible departure from Napoli ahead of the new season. 

The agent seemed a bit discontented with the club’s recent decisions and said: “I have always underlined that we stay in Naples as long as the club wants us, but if it doesn’t want us anymore it’s an If we are told that the boy is on the market in response to the right offer, it means that the club no longer believes in him and he is no longer at the centre of the project.”

It is predicted that Antonio Conte asked for Di Lorenzo’s availability in the negotiations with the Partenopei and now the club are trying to make amends with the right-back.

Giuffredi highlighted that Napoli’s failure to make proper judgements in communication might have cost them their captain. He said: “Essential for Conte? They should have thought about it before, words carry weight and can hurt, maybe they should have hired the coach first and then gone to Di Lorenzo, you can’t always say one thing and then go back as if nothing had happened.”


The 30-year-old is expected to leave the Naples-based side, which has struggled to maintain the heights it attained two seasons back. Club president Aurelio De Laurentiis is yet to make a call on this situation.


Trambak Bhattacherjee | GIFN

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