Tensions at Serie A ahead of new regulation proposal

Serie A clubs are set to propose a new document for reform in the league to the FIGC tomorrow and there is tension amongst clubs.

Corriere della Sera today have provided some details and updates about the situation, after they did the same yesterday. While everyone does agree that Serie A needs reform, but there is debate about what has to be reformed and changed.

Lega Serie A wants to adopt a model which is closer to the Premier League, as it wants to separate from FIGC to seek more autonomy. Milan, Inter, Roma and Juventus have already asked to reduce the number of teams in the league, which has led to other clubs being angry about the current situation.

Because of the stakeholders, there is tension in the structure. The most contentious idea in the proposal revolves around the reduction of teams in the professional structure and the league’s idea of gaining autonomy. They believe that they account for 85 percent of the FIGC’s football revenues across the system but accounts for only 12 percent of the assembly, which is why the document will speak for a more balanced and efficient representation for the league.

When it comes to the idea of reducing teams in Serie A, a heated argument took place between Lazio CEO Claudio Lotito and Inter’s lawyer, Angelo Capellini, with the Biancocelesti currently against the regulation. As of now, clubs in opposition to the reduction of teams are targetting Inter CEO Beppe Marotta, who represents Serie A in the FIGC federal council and in a meeting of the council on Monday, Marotta could be asked to resign. 

The feeling is that this is a huge step for the league and Italian football and is expected to be full of complications.





Kaustubh Pandey | GIFN

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