Romelu Lukaku agency responds to Juventus fans racist abuse

Romelu Lukaku agency responds to Juventus fans racist abuse

Romelu Lukaku agency responds to Juventus fans racist abuse

Chelsea striker Romelu Lukaku was subjected to vile racist abuse from Juventus fans last night, with his agency demanding an apology after a difficult evening.

The Belgium international was given a rather shocking red card for what was seen as an over the top celebration, but his agency Rocnation insist this was following a whole evening of racist jeering from Juve supporters.

See below for their statement hitting out at how Lukaku was treated, while they also make the relevant point that there didn’t really seem to be anything that unusual or provocative from the player when he celebrated his goal…

Pictures courtesy of ViaPlay

Lukaku is on loan at Inter from Chelsea, and it remains to be seen what the future holds for him after this campaign.

The 29-year-old may well look at how some of the fans in Italy have behaved and decide he’d be better off leaving Serie A behind and moving back to the Premier League.

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