Linesman Constantine Hatzidakis elbows Andy Robertson in the face

Linesman Constantine Hatzidakis elbows Andy Robertson in the face

Linesman Constantine Hatzidakis elbows Andy Robertson in the face

Watch the moment linesman Constantine Hatzidakis throws an elbow into the face of Andy Robertson at halftime of Liverpool vs Arsenal.

The first period was a feisty one which ended 2-1 to Arsenal, with several Liverpool players surrounding officials as the whistle blew, feeling aggrieved over certain decisions made in the half, but linesman Constantine Hatzidakis decided to take matters into his own hands to deal with the protests of Andy Robertson – by elbowing him in the chin.

Robertson made his feelings known to his team mates and the referee over the incident which Hatzidakis seemed to get away with in the moment, but you’d imagine that there will be consequences for the official as he runs the risk of serious punishment.

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