Dortmund react to domestic violence accusations against Schulz

By Rune Gjerulff

Borussia Dortmund have reacted to the shocking accusations made against Nico Schulz.

Nico Schulz. Photo: Steffen Prößdorf, CC BY-SA 4.0

Borussia Dortmund have issued a statement on the criminal allegations made against Nico Schulz.

In a story published by Bild yesterday, Schulz is accused of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The player himself denies all accusations made towards him.

“Borussia Dortmund has responded to yesterday’s media coverage of the criminal allegations concerning Nico Schulz’s private life by immediately holding talks with the player and his advisors. The player contests the criminal allegations that have been made against him. Nico Schulz has informed us that he will defend himself against these accusations with the help of legal counsel and, in addition, calls for the presumption of innocence to be applied,” said the club in a statement.

“The allegations that have been made – of which Borussia Dortmund had no knowledge whatsoever until the media reports emerged – are extremely serious and shocking for BVB. Borussia Dortmund takes them very seriously and distances itself from any form of violence. However, Borussia Dortmund is not party to the proceedings and has no insight whatsoever into the investigation files or the criminal charges that are apparently pending.

“As this is a pending case in its early stages, and the factual and legal situation is extremely unclear to Borussia Dortmund as it stands today, we are not yet able to make any reliable and legally watertight decisions with regard to labour law and disciplinary measures. However, we reserve the right to do so at any time once we objectively know more.”

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