Alessandro Florenzi likely to be fined in illegal betting case

Milan defender Alessandro Florenzi is likely to be handed a fine in the illegal betting case, similar to what transpired in the case of Nicolo Zaniolo.

While Sandro Tonali and Nicolo Fagioli have been handed bans and fines for having bet on football matches, Zaniolo did not bet on football and he has already admitted to only indulging in playing poker and blackjack illegally.

Florenzi, yesterday, during a meeting with the Prosecutor, stated that he also didn’t bet on football and La Gazzetta dello Sport state that the meeting was rather short and Florenzi kept things very clear. His situation is said to be very similar to that of Zaniolo and the Rossoneri defender is currently at risk of a fine.

His lawyers stated: “Florenzi clarified his position, reiterating his absolute non-involvement in any type of betting on football, nor did any evidence or dispute emerge in this sense. He acknowledged having played on illegal platforms and provided all the clarifications requested to define his position as soon as possible.”

Even from the Prosecutor’s office, no evidence of him betting on football has been found after investigations. Chats from the player’s phone have been assessed and he has beeen questioned about it, but the investigators are now keen to know as to who is behind this multi-million dollar ring as they believe it is a form of organised crime.





Kaustubh Pandey | GIFN


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